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By accessing this web site, users indicate that they have read and understand this disclaimer. The Tax and Expenditure Data Center (TED) incorporates data from several different data collections administered by a variety of government organizations. Some TED data are administrative, while others are reported by local governments themselves. We recommend that users keep in mind that TED data may be superseded by corrections or updates to source data, or may be in conflict with one or more alternate data sources available elsewhere. The data on revenues and expenditures collected by DCA may or may not be audited amounts or may be reported on the RLGF using an accounting basis other than that used in the local government’s financial reports. The data for school districts are supplied by the Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) and are extracted from audited financial data reported to GDOE by the districts.. For sensitive activities we recommend the user apply the general research rule of validation though an alternate data source. The State of Georgia, including, but not limited to the University System of Georgia, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, TED, data contribution partners in local and state governance agencies, including all respective officers and employees of each of these entities expressly deny any warranty of the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information contained In the TED data holdings, and shall not be held liable for any loss caused by reliance upon the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. Questions about TED should be addressed to the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia.

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